what is the "B" for?

Behind most brands you’ll find there is almost always a back story and we hope this one will leave you with just a little softer heart. The story of this “B” begins with a ‘B-eing’ a ‘Human Being’ and it goes like this... the “B” stands for “BASH” - short for SEBASTIEN.  Sebastien Kole Gallegos “SKG” was born on April 19, 2001, and changed our lives forever.  From this day forward, we learned what it meant to love someone with our whole heart unconditionally.


He went on to bless us with 18 amazing years of priceless memories, until one day, on November 20, 2019, at 2:22 pm. Again, our lives were forever changed.   BASH was 18 years old when he left the house this chilly Wednesday afternoon and never returned.  The call came in at about 2:28 pm from the trauma doctor asking us to please get to the hospital as quickly as we could.  BASH was involved in a horrific car crash! He was a passenger in the car and wore his seatbelt like we always told him to do. We rushed to get there but it was too late... he was already ‘gone.’  Our BASH would never see us or speak to us again; at least not from his earthly body.  


We were submerged in agony and riddled with pain; our hearts feeling like they had been ripped right from our chests. As this tragic news hit the town, soon we were surrounded by so many wonderful people, who filled our home day after day, all ages, all in mourning over the loss of BASH.   “How did all these people know ‘our’ BASH?” we began to ask.  We were just an ‘ordinary’ family. Before we knew it, our faces were on TV, and the media even had a story on BASH. More and more, stories  began to emerge about BASH. These stories were nothing ordinary though, as they told of an EXTRAORDINARY person in BASH.  Each one told of how AMAZING he was.  We began to quickly learn that BASH was his very own legacy because of the dramatic impact he made on SO MANY PEOPLE!  How though ???? Just by simply being so kind, caring, and loving, to others.  He also had a gift of making people smile and just laugh from their gut.  He was fair and honest and believed in giving others a chance when no one else would. He’d never let anyone be bullied or left out! He often loved you before you loved him. He defended what was right and always protected his family, friends, and yes, even foe.  BASH was not only good with his peers but he had such an incredible connection with youngsters too. Quite often you'd see BASH in the throes of piggyback rides, carnival games, beach trips, movie outings, spectating all the 'littles' sporting events, or just happily spending quality time laughing with and mentoring all the 'littles.'  Although BASH has undoubtedly left his mark on these little hearts, what they may not have known was how they, too, left the same marks in BASH's heart because of how much he adored them!  As for BASH's dreams of one day having his 'own' family, he had plans to become an amazing dad, to at least 2 children, and an equally loving and wonderful husband.  BASH also had visions of one day coming into a career as a firefighter, a professional athlete, a model, a musician or all the above. He was enrolled in college and had big plans to continue playing football.  No doubt he would've taken the world by storm by making his dreams come true. Another one of BASH's "loves" was cuddling with his doggie "BANE" - a blue nose pit bull who is anything but vicious!  The wing on the logo is for the ‘wings’ he gained when he became our heavenly angel, that horrible day. 

BASH remains an example and a light to us all.  He was also a seasoned athlete, playing it all-soccer, baseball, hockey, basketball, skateboarding, and his favorite of all- football.  BASH wore many numbers through many sports but "4" was one of his baseball favorites from a young age.


Bash also had an immense passion for making and producing his own music as a member of ‘Korrupted Kings’ and in a solo endeavor as ‘Pretty Boi BASH’, hence the music note on the lower portion of  “B” and the crown atop the “B.”  The last song BASH wrote, is one of our favorites, and is titled "GOLDEN," just like he was!  You will see this 'GOLDEN' theme throughout his product line and now you know why! 


BASH is our role model and who we strive to be more like everyday.  BASH was our only son, our first born child. BASH leaves behind his 3 younger and adoring  sisters, Jadeyn, Londyn and Ashlyn.  They LOVE their brother and miss him like you wouldn’t believe.  I wish you could’ve known BASH!  You were certainly lucky if you did! We are blessed to be called his family!



This brand is inspired by and for our angel baby BASH!  It is our hope that through his brand we emit his true essence, his spirit of LOVE and KINDNESS for all.  We hope you are inspired to live your life like BASH and that with every piece of BASH gear you purchase you are moved to pay it all forward by living your life TODAY, through the lens of LOVE, LIGHT and KINDNESS. There just may not be a tomorrow... 



We thank you for letting us share our story and hope you enjoy shopping here at 4EVR BASH !!!  Now, go get ‘Branded by BASH’. Happy hunting







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